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what to expect

Here at Bodysmith's we do things slightly differently...


As soon as you have booked your appointment, you will be sent a confirmation email along with a form to fill out with your personal details.


During your first visit, the practitioner will take a thorough CASE HISTORY, noting information on:


  • Current presentation - you will have the opportunity to describe the signs and symptoms of your current problem. The practitioner will ask questions to help produce an accurate diagnosis

  • Medical history - this is in order to provide the practitioner an overview of your general health. Questions will cover your current health and previous medical history

  • Lifestyle - this will help provide a full picture of you as an individual. Questions will be asked about how you typically spend your days, activity levels, nutrition, and sleep


It is worth noting here that any questions you feel uncomfortable with don't need to be answered. What you tell your practitioner will remain on their medical record. These will be fully confidential in accordance with our practice standards and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

You can request a copy of your notes. Read more about this under our Privacy Policy.



The practitioner will then perform a CLINICAL EXAMINATION. which may include one or more of the following:


  • Musculoskeletal exam - a physical exam of the complaining area. Commonly other areas will be examined also. Examinations can involve observation, active movements, muscle tests, and joint range of movement tests

  • Systemic exam - this may be necessary if the practitioner believes something other than the musculoskeletal system is contributing to your problem. This could involve testing your reflexes, taking your blood pressure, listening to your lungs or heart, among others

  • Functional exam - this is more applicable to those who have goals they want to attain, or have discomfort when performing a particular movement, such as a squat. A functional exam helps the practitioner to analyse your condition in a way that replicates what you are doing away from the treatment room. This could involve going to the rehab studio and using the equipment there​, and may involve gait analysis, for example




It's at this point that Bodysmith's really shines. The practitioner will inform you of their thought process and their diagnosis. Following this, they will discuss with you the options you have regarding your treatment and management.


If you know what treatment you require, fantastic! We can get to work. But if you're unsure what's best for you and your body, the practitioner will go through your options.


Here at Bodysmith's we are currently offering osteopathy, sport massage, rehabilitation, and wellbeing advice. The practitioner will propose which of these treatments, or combination of treatments, will suit your specific needs.

If you have any questions or concerns at this point, or you would like a slightly different approach, your practitioner will be able to accommodate you, as long as the desired outcome can still be achieved. Just keep in mind that your health is our number one priority, and this will be reflected in the options we provide you.


Within the first appointment it is possible that some treatment can be provided, but not always. This depends on the length of the case history, examinations, and discussions, along with their respective outcomes.




Sometimes these won't be necessary, but commonly patients will return. As for the number of sessions required, this varies for everyone, and is therefore difficult to say. A better idea can be offered at your first appointment.


Follow-up sessions tend to be shorter, and will typically comprise of more treatment / management than the initial appointment.



For further information, please check out our FAQs page.


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